Thursday, December 25, 2008

CSR Rebong

Csr rebong is actually "PROGRAM ADIK ANGKAT ORANG ASLI"....
I've the oppertunity to know all this ADIK ANGKAT...
How is their life style....
What do they love to do..
n the most important thing is i've learn the culture of THE ORANG ASLI....
  • Venue : MRSM Muadzam shah
  • Durration : 3 days 2 night

there i also made a lot of new friends frm diffrent MRSM....
then i've meet with all the students frm UTP, MSU, UNITEN n alot of other IPTS....

but the most important thing is I've meet with Abg apis n kak nadia....
they r the best.....

IN this pic amal, kak nad, kak ain n abg Nelson

this is my all the "adik angkat" in my group

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Kem Cuti Sains MRSM 2008

This was  the MoSt fun Camp OF All...
ThX To All ThE PeOPle wHO HAs Work Hard To Make This CAmp
 A sUCCess....
~-~madE a LOt Of NeW fRNs tHEre..
luvE u GUys So much..hopeFulLY tahT u GUYs wiLL acHIVE suCCess IN SPM!!!
"TerusKan perJUngan D MRSM"

I also lern that, where ever that we r studying....
we still can achive success as long as we put a lot of effort to achive it...
so, we don't have to be a MRSM student to achive success...
we can achive it anywhere...
even if we r not one of the student that comes from MRSM
thEn i've MAde a LOt of NEW COOL bRO n SWeet SIs...
-Abg IZZat-
-AbG SAiful-
-Kak FaRHan-
-KAk Sern-
-Kak Aida-
u GUys R thE besT akh SIs n BRO!!!!!!!!!

abg Saiful,KAk FarHAn,KAk AidA n KAk ZAeemah

amal, NQ, mIMIE, HAniF, FAkAr, SYAzu, AMIN, SyaH, UmiE n Alin