Wednesday, May 11, 2011


This year Malaysia is celebrating the 52-years of independence. Malaysia was officially declared as an independent country on Saturday, 31st of August 1957. The most interesting thing about Malaysia trying to get its independence was there was no one died during this journey. We achieve our independence with a lot of tolerance, comprehension and understanding between the people of the country form and the ruler that time, not like all the other Asian country such as Indonesia where there were so many deaths in their struggle to achieve their independence. Although our country is a multi racial country which has many unique races such Iban and Kadazan and the dominant races such as Malays, Indians and Chinese, but they had being working to gather to achieve our independence. But people nowadays especially teenagers have forgotten all about the hardship that our ancestors have to face just to get our independence. How they were fighting and struggle just to achieve our national independence. They are forgetting the most important history about our country that gives us the power to rule the country on our own without the help of other imperial powers. This is one of the most serious issues that our country is facing. But recently, statistics shows that not only they are forgetting about The History of our country, they are also forgetting about our Rukun Negara. What they have been doing or thinking until they forget the one of the most important things that a Malaysian should know. Have they lost their own national identity? Who is responsible in this situation?

Rukun Negara is one of the most important components for a country. Like our Rukun Negara, it was first being declared and written on the first day of our independence. In the Rukun Negara content all the important things that as Malaysian we should know. Our Rukun Negara is one of the most complete and had being approved world wide. Why is it people are forgetting about our History and Rukun Negara? Especially teenagers nowadays. Even though they don’t know the history about how Malaysia got its independence, but at least basics things such as our national songs and our Rukun Negara should always sticks in their head. If we still can remember what had happened in 2007, where our country was celebrating its 50th anniversary, the country was being shocked by tragic news where a Malaysian was insulting the National Song ‘Negaraku’ in the internet. Shockingly it was a Malaysian and he was only a teenagers that was braved enough to insult his own country. Why is this situation happening? The answer is simple; because he never learns about his own country’s history and he never understand deeply about the Rukun Negara. If he really understands about our Rukun Negara he wouldn’t do such things that he did.

That is why the Rukun Negara is really important for us Malaysian’s. We will understand more about our country if we really understand the history of our country and it’s Rukun Negara. Nowadays the teenagers are taking easy about this matter. They don’t even bother to know about it. From what I’ve read only about 35% of the teenagers in this country really knows and understand about the Rukun Negara. Where is the other 65%? Is it for them our Rukun Negara is just a piece of joke? That’s why nowadays we can see that many teenagers are involved in many social problems. Lacking of understanding about our Rukun Negara maybe one of the main reasons why this is happening. If they really understand what is stated in our Rukun Negara, they wouldn’t dare to do such things. It is already clearly stated in the Rukun Negara that as a Malaysian we should follow all the rules and regulation that has being stated in our country. That’s why if the teenagers in this country really put their heart and soul into the National Commandment many social problems that the teenagers are facing nowadays can be avoided. This has been one of the teenage angst in our country lately. Can you just imagine what will happen to the country in the next 15 years, where the teenager doesn’t even know what our Rukun Negara is? The country will lose its identity and the future leaders will be lacking of its own national identity. Every country needs it own Rukun Negara to ensure that the country runs smoothly.

To all the teenagers out there, I hope that you guys will always remember how important is the history of our country and the Rukun Negara and how it can help all of us to build up our identity as a true Malaysian. If we really understand about the Rukun Negara, we wouldn’t have the hearts to make shame of our country anymore. By understanding the Rukun Negara it could help the country to produce a community that will live in peace and harmony with a lot of tolerance to avoid misunderstanding in life. The Rukun Negara also will ensure the rights of each person that leave in Malaysia. As a Malaysian we have our own rights in this country. That’s why we should understand our Rukun Negara to ensure that we know what we should get from this country. We wouldn’t be discriminated if we really understand what is stated in our Rukun Negara. And for the teenagers out there if you guys really put all your soul and heart into the Rukun Negara, it will help you to become a person that is full of discipline and always follow all the rules that has being stated in this country. To ensure that Malaysia will always preserve its own identity, we as the teenagers and the future leaders in this country should know our history and Rukun Negara really well. If we do take serious consideration about this matter Malaysia will always have its own unique identity, and our country will be recognized all over the world. Teenagers in this country should play their roles in making this dream a reality.

Dedicated to my beloved country MALAYSIA...

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